How to Transfer Airtime on Airtel 2024 | Me2U Code

This post contains information on how to transfer airtime on airtel, the airtel transfer code, and how to share airtel credit with another airtel line.

In situations where you or your friends need airtime urgently and can’t find a way of recharging from your bank or buying a recharge card from a retail store, you have no option but to transfer airtime to each other.

Then, what will pop up in your mind at this moment are; how to transfer airtime on Airtel, how to transfer airtime from Airtel to Airtel, or how to transfer credit on Airtel.

If that’s what you’re looking for, then you’re on the right page where I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about Airtel airtime transfer.

Without wasting time, Let’s get started!

About Airtel Me2U

Airtel Me2U is the Airtel sharing service that allows you to transfer airtime to friends and loved ones with just a few clicks.

This service is available to all Airtel customers and can be used on any type of phone whether Android, Samsung, iPhone, and even Button Phones.

The Airtel Me2U service is free to use and has no limit to the amount of airtime you can transfer from one line to another.

Related: How to Transfer Airtime on MTN in 3 Easy Ways

How to Transfer Airtime on Airtel

You can transfer airtime on Airtel by simply dialing *321*[Recipient’s Number]*Amount#, then a pop-up will display on your screen asking you to enter your transfer PIN.

Once this is done, your friend or who so ever you want to transfer the airtime to will receive a notification message from Airtel confirming their line has been credited with the exact amount you sent.

Come to talk about “Your Transfer PIN”, what does that mean?

Before you can successfully transfer airtime on Airtel, you’ll first need a transfer PIN.

This is the PIN that authorizes your transaction by making Airtel know that you’re the one initiating the transaction and not an unauthorized person. Also, this code will prevent fraudsters from stealing your airtime.

Now, how do you get the Airtel transfer PIN?

Check Out How to Transfer Airtime from Airtel to MTN

How to Create Airtel Transfer PIN

Below is a step by step guidelines on how to create Airtel transfer PIN.

  • Simply dial *321#
  • Reply with 3 – PIN Management
  • Reply with 1 – CHANGE PIN
  • Enter your current PIN (Default PIN)
  • Enter your New PIN
  • Finally, click on OK. And you have successfully created a new airtel transfer PIN.

The Airtel default transfer pin is 3104.

How to Reset Airtel Transfer PIN (Via SMS)

You can reset your airtel transfer PIN by creating a new message in this format; PIN {space} Default PIN {space} New PIN and send to 321

For example; if your intended new pin is 4321, then your message should go like this; PIN 3104 4321. Then send to 321.

Within just a short period of time, you’ll receive a notification message from Airtel telling you that you have successfully changed

Unlike MTN transfer PIN reset where you’ll need to enter your new pin twice, on Airtel you’re only required to enter your new pin just one after the default PIN.

If that is not done in the right way, just know that your Pin will not be reset.

Once you confirm that your pin is reset, you can now proceed to transfer airtime by following any of the methods below.

How to Transfer Airtime From Airtel to Airtel

You can transfer airtime from Airtel to Airtel by dialing *321*[Recipient’s Airtel Number]*Amount#, then enter your transfer PIN and press OK.

For example; If your transfer pin is 4321 and you want to transfer N500 to 08020000000, just dial *321*08020000000*500#, then reply with 4321 and press OK.

How to transfer airtime on Airtel

Then, you’ll receive a notification message from Airtel confirming you just transferred N500 to another line (it may be your friend, colleague, or anybody).

Other Methods to Share Airtime on Airtel

Of course the After transfer code I just showed you above isn’t the only way to transfer airtime on Airtel. 

And if you’re conversant with our website, you should have noticed that we don’t give just a way of doing something, instead, we dig deep while doing topic research so as to come out with multiple solutions to problems.

Anyways, we’ve gathered together other ways, methods, and tricks on how to transfer airtime on Airtel.

You wanna know them?

Then let’s go!

Via SMS (Text Message)

I know there are lots of folks seeking how to transfer airtime on Airtel via SMS.

Yes, I’ve gotten an answer for you.

You can transfer airtime on Airtel via SMS by sending 2U {space} Recipient’s Airtel Number {space} Amount {space} PIN. Then, send it to 321, and the airtime amount will be deducted from your account balance and credited to the number you sent it to.

For example; If your transfer pin is 4321 and you want to transfer N500 to 08020000000.

Then your message should go this way;

  • 2U 08020000000 500 4321

Then send to 321.

Once this is done correctly, you’ll receive a notification message from Airtel confirming you just transferred from your airtime balance to the number you entered.

Calling the Customer Care Line

How to transfer credit on Airtel by calling customer care.

Just know that it is impossible!

Think of it, if that is possible, that means a stranger can just take your phone and call customer care to transfer airtime from your line to theirs.

Now you get it.

If you doubt me, then call the customer care line.

The only thing they will do is refer you to the USSD code method. The representative you’ll speak to will kindly call out the USSD code and instruct you on how to do it the right way.

Sending a Mail to Airtel Customer Care

If you’re among those searching for how to transfer airtime on Airtel via Email, here’s an answer for you.

I don’t think it is possible to transfer airtime/credit on Airtel via this method.

Just take a look at it like calling the customer care line. How do you want customer care to identify that you’re the real owner of the line?

It’s impossible, right?

Who Can Transfer Airtime on Airtel?

There are no restrictions whatsoever to using the Airtel Me2U feature. 

That is every Airtel customer irrespective of their current tariff plan can transfer airtime on the Airtel network.

However, there are some basic requirements that are needed to be passed to qualify for airtime transfer on Airtel.

Here are they;

  • You must have a sufficient account balance of at least the amount you want to transfer.
  • You must know your transfer pin.

Once those requirements are met, you can transfer airtime on Airtel at any time.

How to Change Airtel Transfer PIN

You can change your Airtel transfer PIN by dialing *321# > Select 3 “PIN Management” > Select 1 “CHANGE PIN” > Enter your current PIN > Enter your new PIN > Click ok. And you’ve successfully changed your Airtel transfer PIN.

Changing airtel transfer pin is usually due to one of these two major reasons

  • You forgot your PIN
  • Your PIN is leaked (Maybe someone else sees it)

But, irrespective of your reasons for changing your Airtel transfer PIN, that’s how to do it above.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I transfer airtime on Airtel?

Yes, you can transfer airtime on Airtel. It doesn’t matter what tariff plan you’re currently on, Airtel doesn’t restrict any users from transferring credit.

How much can I transfer from airtel to airtel when converted to dollar?

To know the amount you can airtime amount you can transfer in dollar, check dollar to naira today black market and official rate, and covert it yourself based on the airtime amount you want to transfer in Naira.

Why can’t I transfer airtime on Airtel?

Not being able to transfer airtime on Airtel is not due to eligibility. However, it may be due to the following reasons.

  • You do not have a sufficient airtime balance to transfer from.
  • You are owing Airtel money
  • You’ve forgotten your transfer Airtel PIN
  • You entered the wrong Recipient’s Airtel number (maybe it is not complete)
  • You entered the wrong USSD code
  • You entered the wrong PIN.
  • You’ve hit your daily transfer limit.

If all these problems are sorted out, and you still can’t transfer airtime on your Airtel line, then call the Airtel customer line.

What is the code to transfer airtime on Airtel

*321*Recipients’ Airtel no.*Amount# is the USSD code to transfer airtime on Airtel.

After sending this, you’ll see a message pop up on your phone’s screen asking you to enter your transfer PIN.

Once this is done, your account will be charged and the receiver’s Airtel line will be credited.

How can I transfer credit on Airtel for the first time?

You can transfer credit on Airtel for the first time by just dialing *321*[Recipient’s Number]*Amount#, then enter the Airtel default transfer pin.

The Airtel default transfer pin is 3104

What is Airtel default transfer PIN?

The official Airtel default transfer PIN is 3104. You can use this code to transfer Airtime if it’s your first time. Or change it to a new PIN.

How can I get my Airtel transfer PIN?

You can get your Airtel transfer PIN by dialing *321# > Select 3 > Select 1 > Enter “3104” > Enter your new PIN. Then click OK.


The Airtel network has made it very easy for its subscribers to transfer airtime to one another without any hassle.

I believe you’ve learned and know exactly how to transfer airtime on Airtel, how to create and reset your transfer pin, and the requirements needed to qualify for Airtel airtime transfer.

I hope you find this post helpful? Then, drop a comment below so that others could know if the method I showed you worked.

Peace out!……. 

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