How to Cancel Auto-renewal on MTN WhatsApp Subscription

This post will show you exactly how to cancel Auto-renewal on MTN WhatsApp Subscription.

I guess you’ve subscribed to the MTN WhatsApp data plan. Now, the problem is that it just keeps renewing itself even after you don’t want to use the plan anymore.

I have once been in your shoes. I know how annoying it may be, especially when you just recharge your line with the aim of using it for something more important.

Yes, you’re not alone, this is one of the major problems people face after subscribing to the MTN WhatsApp plan.

If you find yourself in this circle, then search no further, for you’ve landed on the right page where I’ll answer your questions on how to cancel auto renewal on MTN WhatsApp data plan, and show you exactly how to deactivate WhatsApp subscription on MTN.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

How to Cancel Auto-renewal on MTN WhatsApp Subscription

MTN WhatsApp plan comes with lots of questions like how many MB is MTN WhatsApp bundle, and how to check WhatsApp data balance on MTN. However, those are just minor compared to how to stop auto renewal on MTN WhatsApp data plan.

Since MTN features more than one WhatsApp plan, it shouldn’t be surprised if I tell you that each of them has a different way of deactivating them respectively.

Yes, what I mean is that how to cancel auto renewal on MTN WhatsApp monthly plan is different from how to cancel it on the weekly and daily plans respectively.

Now, let’s find out how to deactivate WhatsApp subscription on MTN monthly, weekly, and daily plans.

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How to Cancel Auto-renewal on MTN WhatsApp Monthly Subscription

MTN monthly WhatsApp data plan is the most popular when talking about the MTN WhatsApp subscription and you can deactivate it by;

  • Simply text STOPWAM to 312

And that’s it, you’ve successfully canceled monthly WhatsApp subscription auto renewal on your MTN line.

How to Deactivate WhatsApp Subscription on MTN – Weekly Bundle

You can deactivate WhatsApp subscription on MTN for the weekly bundle by;

  • Open the message app on your phone.
  • Create a new message using this format; STOPWAW.
  • Then, send to 312

And that’s it, you’ve successfully opted out auto renewal on MTN WhatsApp subscription for the weekly bundle.

From now on, you will not be charged for WhatsApp subscription anymore, unless you reactive the plan yourself.

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How to Stop Auto-renewal on MTN WhatsApp Subscription – Daily Bundle

How to cancel auto renewal on MTN WhatsApp plan for the daily bundle is the least sought answer when it comes to deactivating MTN WhatsApp subscriptions.

You can do that by simply;

  • Open the message app on your phone.
  • Create a new message using this format; STOPWAD.
  • Then, send to 312

And that’s it, you’ve successfully opted out auto renewal on MTN WhatsApp subscription for the daily bundle.

From now on, you will not be charged for a WhatsApp subscription anymore, unless you reactive the plan yourself.

Now, you see that deactivating WhatsApp subscription on MTN is as hard as you may have thought.

If you’re looking for how to cancel auto renewal on MTN WhatsApp subscription, how to deactivate MTN WhatsApp subscription, or even how to stop auto renewal on MTN WhatsApp data plan, I believe this post has been able to serve you the answer you seek.

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