How To Borrow Airtime From MTN Through SMS

How to Borrow Airtime from MTN Ghana via SMS.

How To Borrow Airtime From MTN Through SMS: In Ghana, MTN is one of the leading telecommunications companies, providing various services, including airtime borrowing for its customers. Sometimes, you might find yourself in a situation where you urgently need to make a call or send a message, but your airtime balance is insufficient. In such cases, MTN Ghana offers a convenient solution: borrowing airtime through SMS. This service allows MTN subscribers to borrow airtime and repay it later.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to borrow airtime from MTN Ghana through SMS

Step 1: Check Eligibility

Before attempting to borrow airtime, ensure that your MTN SIM card is eligible for the service. Not all MTN subscribers may qualify for airtime borrowing. MTN sets certain criteria based on usage patterns, account history, and other factors to determine eligibility.

Step 2: Know the Borrowing Codes

MTN Ghana provides specific USSD codes for borrowing airtime. Make sure you have the correct borrowing code handy. Typically, the code for borrowing airtime through SMS is *506#.

Step 3: Dial the Borrowing Code

Using your mobile phone, dial the borrowing code provided by MTN Ghana. This will initiate the borrowing process and prompt the system to send you options for borrowing airtime.

Step 4: Select Borrow Airtime Option

After dialing the borrowing code, you will receive a menu of options related to borrowing airtime. Follow the prompts to select the “Borrow Airtime” option from the menu.

Step 5: Choose the Amount

Once you select the “Borrow Airtime” option, you will be presented with different airtime borrowing amounts available to you. Choose the amount that suits your immediate needs. Be mindful of the repayment terms associated with each borrowing option.

Step 6: Confirm Borrowing Request

After selecting the desired airtime amount, the system will prompt you to confirm your borrowing request. Ensure that the details are accurate before proceeding.

Step 7: Receive Confirmation SMS

Upon successful confirmation of your borrowing request, MTN Ghana will send you a confirmation SMS indicating the borrowed airtime amount and any applicable service charges or fees.

Step 8: Use Borrowed Airtime

Once you receive the borrowed airtime in your account, you can use it to make calls, send SMS messages, or purchase data bundles, just like regular airtime.

Step 9: Repay Borrowed Airtime

It’s essential to remember that borrowing airtime is not free. MTN Ghana will deduct the borrowed amount, plus any associated service charges, from your subsequent recharges. Make sure to recharge your account to repay the borrowed airtime promptly.


Borrowing airtime from MTN Ghana through SMS provides a convenient option for subscribers who find themselves in urgent need of airtime. However, it’s crucial to use this service responsibly and repay the borrowed amount promptly to avoid any inconvenience or service interruptions.

Remember to check your eligibility, follow the borrowing process correctly, and repay the borrowed airtime on time to maintain a good relationship with MTN Ghana and enjoy continued access to their services.

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