How to Activate Paused Glo Night Plan in 2024

This post will show you how to activate paused Glo night plan

Are you struggling with activating your paused Glo night data plan?

You’re not alone!

Not too long ago, I stumbled upon a question being asked in a forum.

“I have a Glo night plan subscription and normal subscription but whenever it’s midnight I still consume my normal data instead of the night plan”.

Well, after deep research, I found out the night data the user is talking about is being paused.

There are lots and lots of comments being posted under this question, with people giving false information and lots of individuals still asking the same question “how activate paused Glo night plan”.

Well, if you’re among those seeking answers to that, I’m glad to tell you that you just landed on the right page where I’ll show you exactly how to activate paused Glo night plan.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Activating Glo Night Plan

I would have really loved to jump straight into how to activate paused Glo night plan, but for you to better understand, let’s start with some basic things you need to know about a paused Glo night plan.

Since night plans are meant to be used at midnight only, the Glo network does pause its night plan when it is daytime. Therefore, your normal data plan will be activated during the day, and paused at night, making your night plan become active.

However, sometimes, when it is time for the night data plan to be activated, it doesn’t. This makes you use your normal data, and since you thought it was the night data, you’ll use it to the maximum level until you got a notification message that your normal data plan will soon expire.

Of course, that really hurts. In fact, it has happened to me multiple times.

After I fall victim to this, I try to figure out why it happens. Let’s discuss it.

Check Out How to Activate Pre Activated Glo Data Plan Here!

Reasons Why Paused Glo Night Plan is not yet Activated

There are several reasons why your paused night data on Glo doesn’t get activated. Here are some.

  1. Wrong Timing.
  2. Bad or unstable network connection.
  3. Validity period is out.
  4. Wrong preferred network type. 

How to Activate Paused Glo Night Plan

First of all, here’s a quick trick to get your paused Glo night plan activated.

  • Immediately it’s 12:00 am, turn off your data connection, wait for some seconds and turn it back on.

Anyways, starting from the first reason here is how to activate paused Glo night plan.

  1. Wrong Timing: Sometimes, people make mistakes by trying to use the Glo night plan when it’s not yet time. Even if it’s remaining just 1 minute before midnight, your night data plan will still be paused. Therefore, make sure you are trying to use the data at the right time.
  2. Bad or Unstable Network: Sometimes, there may be an outage in the network coverage, so you’ll need to wait for some time before the data gets activated.
  3. Validity Period is Out: Check your data balance to confirm if you are still within the validity period of your night data plan. If the validity period is out, then it’s obvious you cannot get the data plan activated.
  4. Wrong Preferred Network Type: Go to the settings app on your phone, navigate to the Network and internet section, click on Mobile network, and you’ll see what SIM your preferred network type is set to. If it is not Glo, then, change it to Glo.
  5. Reboot Your Phone: Sometimes, you’ll need to reboot your phone before the night plans are activated.

If you implement any of these solutions and it didn’t work, then, call the Glo customer care, or visit a nearby Glo office to lay your complaint. I believe they’ll serve you a better answer on how to activate paused night plan on Glo.

Check Out How to Activate Paused Glo Data Plan Here!


Glo night plan is one of the cheapest data plans on the Glo network, and with the data pausing feature, customers are able to use the night plan to satisfaction.

I believe by now, you should have known how to activate paused Glo night plan.

If you still have any questions concerning this topic, please do not hesitate in dropping them down in the comment box below.

Peace Out!……..

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